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HOW TO: Highlight Scripture in Your Post


This tutorial will show you how to make your Scripture references go from looking like this...

--- Quote ---In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1
--- End quote ---
... to looking like this:

--- Quote ---In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1
--- End quote ---

This is an option to help your posts look cleaner and easier to read. It's quick and easy with a button that was designed specifically for this forum. Click this image for a larger view:

When you're in the screen creating a new post, go to whatever website you use to copy your Scripture, then go to the forum and click the blue Scripture button, and the following text will appear:

--- Code: ---[scripture][/scripture]
--- End code ---

Your cursor should be automatically placed in the middle, so then just paste your Scripture, like this:

--- Code: ---[scripture]In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1[/scripture]
--- End code ---

Once you preview or publish your post, it will look like this:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1

Then, if you want to highlight certain words, select the words you want to highlight, and you can use BOLD and UNDERLINE by clicking the 'B' and 'U' buttons at the top.

--- Code: ---[scripture]In the beginning [u][b]God created[/b][/u] the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1[/scripture]
--- End code ---

And the end result looks like this:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-Gen 1:1


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