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Messages - oregontaxman

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Introduce Yourself / Introduction : New Member, "Oregontaxman"
« on: April 25, 2019, 10:42:26 PM »
Good evening,

A few days ago I happened to find on Youtube the 2 videos you posted concerning 501 (C) (3) issues. 

As my user name shows, I have been blessed with a skill of understanding taxes!  I will refrain from posting my resume, but suffice to say I have been given a skill. 

I have read many times 1 Peter 4:10 "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."  In my case, my skill is TAXES!!  Read on for the GOOD news.  Matthew 17:26 teaches us, in part, that "the children are exempt"!  Praise Jesus!

After a number of years working as an auditor for an Oregon state agency, I was given the chance to take my retirement account a couple years early.  Upon exiting the door, my thoughts immediately turned to finally being able to Serve Jesus with my new found "free" time (aka - retirement). But where to serve?

The answer to that is, "I choose to serve Jesus by sharing my tax skills with such christian brothers and sisters, and pastoral / elder / administration members that need help with navigating the complex maze of tax laws. 

Now, on the specific topic of 501(c) (3), that has been my niche for many years.  I enjoy helping church staff develop various "what if" questions as related to taxes.  I watched the Youtube videos with fascination and have found myself drawn here to respond.

Your article missed several key points which I believe need to be expanded upon.  I look forward to submitting several posts for discussion, with the hope that by using my God given skill, I can serve in His Kingdom by helping fellow Christians come to terms with taxing issues.

I look forward to serving Christ.  Please let me know if I may serve you.


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