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Topics - Kenneth Winslow

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Bible Discussion / Video KJB on Rumble
« on: December 22, 2023, 08:28:39 PM »
About three years ago I made a YT channel of me reading the Bible. It is 371 videos looking at my Bible as I was reading it from cover to cover.

A few months ago I started editing out as many as possible of the mispronunciations, restarts, awkward...pauses, heavy breathing and annoying mouth noises.

As of tonight I've made public on Rumble just the first three videos in Genesis.
It's my intention to make public one video per day...roughly...Lord willing.
I hope someone finds it useful.

I will be making playlists once I figure that out.

Evangelism / J-Dubs WILL NOT engage
« on: August 28, 2023, 12:03:02 PM »
Though I usually don't share preaching videos here I thought some may find the first few minutes of this one particularly interesting.

We've talked before about how brainwashed cult members have been forbidden by their leadership to talk about what they teach or believe.
This interaction, if you can call it that, is a perfect illustration of that.

Normally I just walk by these J-Dubs so I can get set up to start preaching.
Though I wasn't planning on it, nonetheless I stopped and rebuked two sets of them as we were headed to our usual spot.  They TOTALLY refused to engage. One of them actually grabbed their propaganda cart and started to walk away.

It will be published at 2:45CDT today.

General Discussion / SSD recommendation?
« on: May 26, 2022, 02:34:23 PM »
While processing videos on Sunday my 4TB external Hard Drive started to chirp like a bird and, no surprise, stopped functioning.
I took it to a computer repair shop on my route and for $20, after they had it for a couple of days, they told me they tried to copy the data from it but it didn't work.
It seems I've lost all my archived videos from 2021 and 2022.  :-\

The repairman recommended a Solid State Hard Drive because it has no moving parts and is more reliable.
Therefore I'm going to have to invest in one of those, but I'm not sure if one brand is better than another, and they cost about 5x more than a traditional HDD.
I've found SSD's made by PNY and SanDisk.
Does anyone have an educated opinion on a brand that may be a better investment than another?

Law/Legal / 911 calls for 2A rights being exercised
« on: April 09, 2022, 11:20:31 AM »
Just as a reminder:

Second Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Unfortunately in Florida open-carrying a firearm is only lawful for citizens when going to and from and while fishing, hunting or camping.

Therefore these 2A promoters pick up their fishing poles, bait, AR-15's and shotguns and exercise the freedoms that they do have to promote awareness of FL 2A gun rights.

Again, unfortunately, some Floridians see fit to potentially put these Patriots lives in jeopardy by calling for armed men from the State to infringe on these law abiding citizens rights.

I believe that ignorance through laziness of our rights and laws coupled with brainwashing from the DS has lead to this.

Here is what some of those calls sounded like.

Law/Legal / Corrupt cops and copyright strikes.
« on: April 06, 2022, 10:40:34 AM »
In this video the police officer admits to blasting copyrighted music so the YT channel of the cop watcher would get a strike.
That sounds like harassment to me.
Fortunately in this situation a city counselman who lives nearby confronts the corrupt cop.

I think this is relevant to anyone who records in public.
I've had citizens do the same thing to me.
Though I've had all those copyright strikes removed from my channel I'm not so sure if someone who monetizes their content would have their video remonetized.

I'm glad this cop got busted, but it shows the complete lack of professionalism in some departments.

Law/Legal / Letter sent to the Gatlinburg TN
« on: March 08, 2022, 09:35:50 PM »
I attached a letter I've instructed my attorney to send to the mayor of Gatlinburg TN.
Here is the link to the video that precipitated is action:

The local PD shutdown our use of amplification the last time we were preaching there also, but I hadn't researched the ordinances back then so I let it go.

I'm hoping we will be able to preach there in the future without having to holler and wear out our voices in order to be heard.

Evangelism / "I'm a minister!"
« on: March 04, 2022, 08:23:14 AM »
For anyone who's interested in seeing on video what we often read about in the "Wild emails" section of the forum, this one is for you.
This "minister" from Dallas, Steve Duncan, couldn't seem to help himself, and waisting his families time, just to puff himself up at Michael and I while we were preaching the gospel in Gatlinburg the other day.
I knew this guy was just going to be a waste of time so I turned away from this prideful fool after a couple of minutes to continue the preaching. However, after quite a while my voice was getting tired but this guy was still debating on how we were "doing it wrong" and I wasn't "loving enough".
Nonetheless I thought you guys might appreciate seeing how this kind of person acts out on the street.
I expect some of you will find it interesting...or nauseating.

General Discussion / How to eat a pine tree
« on: January 25, 2022, 08:26:57 AM »
Yes. That title is literal.
Though I'm not a farmer or a forager, I know there are some in this group who are those things. Others, like me, are simply interested at this point.
If being able to find naturally growing food sources or transforming your property into a productive landscape that can feed your family this video looks like a good place to start or to find further education on the subject:

Evangelism / 'Boro Pride 2021
« on: August 20, 2021, 08:23:12 AM »
Tomorrow, Saturday the 21st, Michael and I are planning on preaching at the annual celebration of sodomy here in Murfreesboro. I hadn't planned on going this year because I have to work. However yesterday Michael called and informed me that this event runs from 3 to 8 pm. Therefore I should be meeting him there after work. It is only a couple of blocks from where I work.
This year it is in a public park called Cannonsburgh Village. This is the same place that I preached the Halloween event in 2019.
In previous years Boro Pride had been held on the town square and in 2018 Tim and I were threatened with arrest so we left. In 2019 Tim and a couple of other guys were shadowed by the cops the whole time.
Hopefully the police will do the right thing this year.
To be frank, I hate preaching these events. This crowd is the most intolerant, obtuse and foul bunch of God hating sinners I know of.
Nonetheless, everyone needs to hear the law and the gospel.
Lord willing, Michael and I will be able to do that for 3 or 4 hours tomorrow.

Law/Legal / Perfect Example of Standing Up for the First Amendment!
« on: August 15, 2021, 09:13:42 PM »
This interaction is the BEST example I've seen, and I've seen quite a few, of what happens when a 1A auditor knows his rights, keeps his cool and is NOT afraid to be arrested for violating an unconstitutional city ordinance.

The auditor keeps filming, the tyrant keeps repeating herself until... eventually... she takes the walk-of-shame and the auditor keeps right on exercising his constitutionally protected activity. 👌💯

General Discussion / Female Privilege
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:04:04 PM »
Everyone that has read Chris's book on feminism knows he layed a thorough case on how the American female is the most privileged creature to ever walk the face of the Earth.
And, truth be told, most men want to provide their women with as much privileges as they can.
However, the ugly truth is that far too many women use that privilege as a weapon.

Which brings us to this incident.
Though the point of this video isn't to address female privilege nor feminism those are impetus behind why this lying, drunken, uninjured women can sick the police on her 75 year old neighbor.
That is also why she is allowed to threaten to put her neighbor "under" and cut his throat and then she is held to absolutely zero account for it.
An evil women abusing her privilege is also why her innocent neighbor is almost immediately tazed and likely permanently injured upon the police contacting him after he has emptied his hands and is simply standing there in his underwear.
This all happened because a crying women essentially said the magic word, "abuse!".

My point here is simply to provide a graphic illustration on how insidious, prevalent and dangerous this philosophical mindset really is.

General Discussion / Primed for pedophiles
« on: August 03, 2021, 10:04:23 AM »
The public schools are sexualizing the children.

“Sexual intercourse happens when two people—a female and a male or two females or two males—feel very sexy and very attracted to each other and want to be very close to each other in a sexual way,” the book reads as it goes into a graphic description of sexual intercourse.
-a book titled It’s Perfectly Normal

In the pedophile world this is called "grooming", but now this part of the process that leads to the sexual abuse American children is already being done for the molesters. After being groomed in public school the children only needs to be contacted on social or physically by a pedophile and those children will have already been conditioned by an authority figure that it is okay to discuss sex with an adult without the parents present.

Fortunately there are some parents in Florida who are fighting back but, no doubt, there has been much damage done to their children.

Parent Organization Sues Florida School District to Locate Alleged ‘Very Pornographic’ Children’s Textbooks

General Discussion / Tremendous source of research info...FOUND!
« on: August 02, 2021, 11:35:57 PM »
Where is it?
It is contained in the books and articles right here on the CLE website.
This body of work is REPLETE with well sourced links to many hundreds of websites culminated over about the last twelve years. They are literally right here at your fingertips.

I figure that should keep anyone busy for about 6 years since it took Chris about twice that long to research, code, link and post all that information for all the world to make use of.

On more than one occasion I've told people who say they are sceptical of Chris, whom they don't know from Adam, that they are welcome to ignore whatever he has written and simply click on the links to the information and come to their own conclusion. (No one has done that yet though because they are either too lazy or they don't want to know the truth in the first place.)


General Discussion / LAWSUIT Against Employer for Mandatory C19 Vaxx
« on: July 28, 2021, 01:22:33 PM »
Here is a civil rights attorney who has files suit against a large assisted living company (a private company) who fired an employee for refusing the jab.
This video is a month old and I'm sure the suit is still pending.
This attorney's arguments seem sold to me.

I'm glad to see there is active legal pushback.

General Discussion / Familial child sex trafficking
« on: July 24, 2021, 08:29:49 PM »
Ever hear of the term "Familial child sex trafficking"?
I hadn't.
There is so much disturbing information in this interview about how America is grooming our children to be victims of sexual abuse I wouldn't know where to start.
All I can say is to watch this video so you can be up to date on how this nation is actively, on all levels, making a full court press to completely destroy this upcoming generation through sexual exploitation.

If God were to rain down judgement on the US today I would welcome it.

General Discussion / Vitamin D3
« on: July 20, 2021, 08:13:47 AM »
Over the last couple of years I've attempted to educate myself on the use of vitamin and mineral supplements in order to maintain my good health.

Here is a recent article that I found informative that may help others also:

“To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended that people at risk of influenza and/or COVID-19 consider taking 10,000 IU/d of vitamin D3 for a few weeks to rapidly raise 25(OH)D concentrations, followed by 5000 IU/d.

General Discussion / Sex Trafficking Arrests
« on: July 12, 2021, 11:21:25 PM »
There has been a lot of these criminals being arrested in Middle Tennessee over about the last year for sex trafficking.
It seems once or twice a month I see an article like this.
I don't know if this is a recent trend or if the local news just wasn't reporting before.
However it is consistent with what we understand as a nationwide crackdown on this activity. Hopefully we will soon see this trend go all the way to the top.

General Discussion / Back pain relief?
« on: June 02, 2021, 07:16:33 PM »
Ever since my first year in the Navy I've had chronic lower back pain from handling scores of 70# boxes.
Over the years it really gets uncomfortable after sitting in a car for more than two hours.
Now that I'm looking at a return road trip of two full days driving I'm going to have to try something.
I've been using lower back support for a long time, and it makes a big difference. However now I'm seriously considering some sort of pain reliever.
Any suggestions?
The only thing I can think of is Bayer Back and Body, since I haven't taken anything in years and I don't have anything on hand.

General Discussion / Non-compliance at Travel Checkpoints
« on: May 20, 2021, 08:20:23 AM »
In this group we've discussed non-compliance with mask mandates and with security checkpoints.
Since Steven L. Anderson's to handling of a stop at a security checkpoint was arguably an example of how NOT to do it I thought it would be good to share an example of a better approach and how additional thoughts:

General Discussion / Good stuff still happens!
« on: May 13, 2021, 08:02:40 PM »
When all we seem to see in this world is wickedness and insanity, a short clip of police officers saving a three month old can be a welcome relief:

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