Hey I know I havent post in eons and this post is a over week old but I would like to go through Damon letter to Chris as well just to provide some insight from myself.
(This took me an extremely long time to get it to where it is and I'm sure theres still some mistakes. I hope what I'm saying is clear enough for everyone to understand)
Hello and praised the Lord I was listening to your study on Martin Luther King Jr, I must say I agree on 90% of your articles but I was a little disappointed by your comments about black people and the affects of slavery that we should just get over it I thought it was a little insensitive and very hurtful!
I've gone back and read the Martian Luther King article to find where exactly Damon is talking about and I honestly dont know what he is referring to. I even type in the search bar, "get over it" and "slavery" to see if Chris said anything along those lines and I found nothing. So I will say this: upon a first reading i felt a similar way. That feeling did not last long after gaining a full grasp of the point Chris was trying to get across in a particular section.
( https://http://www.creationliberty.com/articles/wolf-mlkj.php you'll find this area I'm quoting in the "What Does Communism Have To Do With Civil Rights Movements")
Certainly, it is wrong to deny someone employment based on the color of their skin, but now let's look at this from a government and Bill of Rights perspective. The question here is about rights, who has them, and who lost them. The question is this: "Did the black man lose his rights because he was denied a job based on the color of his skin?"
Most Americans will want to instictively say "Yes," but then I would ask, "What specific rights did he lose?" Did the black man lose his right to have a job? No. Did he lose his right to earn a wage? No. Did he lose his right to speak out about it? No. The black man never lost one of his rights in the process, but fighting against that type of racism is referred to as a battle for "civil rights," which means something is very wrong here.
Another right the black man has is to protest not being hired based on the color of his skin, but now we have to ask, what is the end result of that protest? Does the business owner change his mind after he sees the protest? No. So what good does the protesting do? Protests almost never sway someone's opinion, and so the only thing protesting does is cause enough trouble that will result in government intervention (we will cover more on that later), and that is the very heart of the problem.
Once the government gets involved, the only thing they can do is FORCE the business owner, through laws and regulations with consequences (e.g. fines, jail time, etc), to hire the black man. Now we ask another question: "Did the business owner lose his rights?" Yes. The business owner lost his right to decide who he can hire and who he can serve, and now we have a system of government that takes complete control over a man's investments (time and money) in the business he built with his own hands, which is exactly the goal of the Communist Party.
As I said, reading this at first was a bit difficult for me. A black man being denied a job because of his skin color is definitely racist. However to read that a racist can deny him a job due to being racist and be sanctioned by law too is just something that didn't sit well with me. Every now and then the law does protect wicked people during their wrong doings. Yet I needed to realize that once you give a governmental entity the power to take away basic rights of the people such as private property ownership, you have a much bigger problem than just some wicked people being racist. You now have an entity that can take almost whatever it sees fit at any time. My point in talking about this is that yes the after effects of slavery and segregation are hurtful. However we have to keep in mind what was the overall agenda the civil rights movement was used for. As Chris pointed out is to give the government the power to take control of private property from people whenever they feel like it. That's a far more extreme of losing rights than someone not getting a job due to their skin color.
(Continuing on with the letter)
Am I angry at you no not at all I just would like to point out that being a white pastor and down playing the effects of slavery might cause some to be Slavery has affected the black race and white privileged and white supremacy has played and is playing a major role in our society and culture.
I do not have a complete understanding of what he is saying here because what he typed is mainly a big sentence fragment. What I think he is basically telling Chris is: "You shouldnt down play the effects of slavery because you're a white man". Again I read over the article again and I don't recall seeing Chris down playing the effects of slavery. More importantly, what does Chris skin color have to do with anything? The bible tells us that
Acts 17:26 KJV
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;So what's the problem with Chris giving any insight? Well the thing is, in the minds of many black people, you are automatically unqualified to criticize any kind of struggle that African Americans have endured while being in America because everyone else is more privileged. That especially goes for anyone who is white. So if you didn't get what i said; in a nutshell you're not allowed to critic the civil rights movement or MLK etc questioning black history in general because you're too privileged if you're not black. You dont understand the struggle. That's the over all mindset. And if you are black and you question those things then you're a trader/deserter or something along those lines.
Do we hold on to this with malice and anger no not if we are true born again believers in Christ I do not hate my white brothers and sisters but I can recognize the system isn't fair and we as black people must fight and survive in this unjust system that's called America! We have God given rights yes we do! also at the same time life in America isn't fair not even a little bit. Please don't take this as whining or kicking it's just the truth as a black person in this Country!
Well I'll openly say as a black man that lives in America my life has been relatively easy. I've been stopped a total of 3 times by the police. Twice for speeding, once for a misunderstanding. I've never been sent to prison or wrongfully convicted. I've always had food to eat and a place to stay. Plus I technically work for the government myself. My point is I have yet to truly experience this unfair system that holds black Americans down. My overall family (both mother and father side) have been very successful and that's because despite this unfair system they worked very hard to achieve the life they live. My point in saying this is that my family as black americans are very successful and its been because they have worked hard despite the "unfair" system. Mind you my mother father aunts and uncles were born in the 1950s-60s. Not one of them as I can recall gave excuses that times were too rough with racism for them to be successful. They just worked hard for what they have today. If there is anything holding the majority of black Americans from progressing, I'd say its laziness and an unwillingness to admit to the reality of what's happening. That reality is that black American people are doing more harm to the black community than white Americans or the unfair American system. Many black Americans especially on the young generation side steal, kill, lie, and fornicate to people they arent married to. Thus creating single parent homes. they do all this to other fellow black american people while complaining about the system being unfair to them. There is very little responsibility being taken when it comes to black on black crimes or black American incarcerations rates being higher statistically than any other nationality in America. Instead the blame goes to police brutality and racism. Yes I'm well aware that there are those who have been wrongfully arrested by corrupt officers and even shot and killed at the hands of a scared rookie police officer. I don't excuse those individuals as they are also a big part of the problem as well. However neither do I excuse the many black Americans who live violent sinful lives making life difficult for themselves and others.
I email you in love my brother and even if we don't agree I pray that we meet in those pearly Gates one day
From Damon your brother Keep fighting the good faith
I took some time to read the article he posted and in a nutshell it's a woman describing where white privilege comes from and how it is bestowed upon them at birth, and most of it is nonsense if you take the time to read it. It could honestly be a thursday discussion or thread discussion on it's own.
(I had more typed but I think it was to much and when I finally posted this it ended up being cut short at the tail end)