Author Topic: Martin Luther King Jr. gets disgraced for adultery and more (Sunday Times + FBI)  (Read 4275 times)


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FBI tapes reveal Martin Luther King's affairs 'with 40 women'
Newly unearthed files claim the civil rights leader 'looked on and laughed' as a pastor friend raped a parishioner in a hotel
From: The Sunday Times (free sample)
HT: Sputnik and InfoWars
(Please note: This is not me endorsing InfoWars. This is simply where I heard of the news.)

Quote from: The Sunday Times

He will always be remembered as one of the greatest orators in history, a winner of the Nobel peace prize whose "I have a dream" speech proved a defining moment of the American civil rights movement.

Yet the reputation and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr may be facing what one of his biographers has described as a "painful historical reckoning" after shocking new revelations about the Baptist clergyman's relationships with women.

A huge archive of documents recently released from Federal Bureau of Investigation files exposes in detail King's extramarital sexual activities with dozens of women as he travelled the country campaigning against racial inequality.

In one memo written after the FBI bugged King's room at a Washington hotel, there is a startling foreshadowing of...
(The rest of the article requires a purchase.)

I know that Christopher already addressed the topic of MLKJR, his heresy, and reports of his sexual deviancy, and this report from the Sunday Times and recently discovered FBI files further reveals King's hypocrisy. To quote Chris, "This blasphemous sex pervert is honored as a hero with a nationally recognized holiday in which government employees get paid leave at taxpayer expense."

I mean no harm to Martin Luther King Jr., and I wanted these allegations to be false, as he is often painted as a "good role model" to the public. For one, I've talked about the Christian rock band BarlowGirl before. I do not support the band, but that is another topic for another day. My point is to look at a recurring segment at BarlowGirl concerts. During the segment, while Rebecca Barlow plays a segue to "Million Voices" and where Alyssa Barlow rocks the bass, Lauren Barlow reads 1 Peter 2:9 during a speech (it sounds more like a short sermon), where she proclaims the following:

Quote from: Lauren Barlow from BarlowGirl

Do you know what [sic] God created you in the first place? Do you know what your calling is? Do you know what you are destined to do in this life? Because I believe personally, what I see in every single one of you, is: you're called to be the next Martin Luther Kings. [Alyssa Barlow nods with a fist bump.] You're called to be the next Joan of Arcs. You're called to be the next Mother Teresas. You're called to start movements. You're called to do something great. You're called to stand for things when no one else is standing for them. You're called to be set apart. How are we ever going to change a world that we look and act just like? You are called to do great things. You have been chosen by God Himself to do great things.
(This is just 50 seconds of her speech. Lauren's full speech is nearly six minutes long.)

Oh, and to further fuel up a charismatic atmosphere, Alyssa Barlow speaks for another 2.5 minutes after the song starts playing. At 7:52, does she throw the devil's horns while praying?

I know that Christopher rebuked Mother Teresa in one article, and he rebuked respecting persons in another. BarlowGirl is just one example of the many professed Christians who hold on to figures like Martin Luther King Jr. as role models that they believe are following Jesus Christ's calling. Let us not put our trust in men (Jeremiah 17:5), and let us follow the example of Jesus.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 01:15:41 AM by LABcrab »


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When people who claim to be Christians have so little understanding of who God is and what His word really says, it's no wonder the rest of the world has such a warped view of Christianity.


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Yeah, as far as I know, I've already covered this. Those files do not become declassified until 2027. (Which is MUCH longer than normal.)
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
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How did info wars get the fbi files? Maybe someone who works there came across the article Chris did on Martin Luther King. They had so many years to look this up why now? Sounds to me it is only because of Chris article 


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No, I'm not the only one who's ever taught on the subject. The information has been known by a minority of people for decades before me.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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It shows you how little I know , but again he was never on my list of study


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When people who claim to be Christians have so little understanding of who God is and what His word really says, it's no wonder the rest of the world has such a warped view of Christianity.

Yes, that is one of the major obstacles when trying to talk with people about Christ and their need for salvation.  Straight after reading your posting I read the news online here and that just reiterated the point.
It's the relentless tide of Christians such as Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr and William Wilberforce who broke the bows of slavery and poverty. All of them would deeply disagree with euthanasia and late-term abortions, yet none of them built their platform upon it. Their credibility was passionate lives laid down for those who had no voice. Their credibility was the moral authority of surrendering their own lives to those who had nothing.
Scottie Reeve is a Wellington-based priest in his 30s.[/i]

Unfortunately people pick up their understanding of what Christianity is from the media.  Or they wish to claim that they do.  But those of us here were never fooled by the media and didn't buy in to their false teachings. 

My personal opinion is that people don't want to find the real answers because they would rather continue in their sinfullness and claim that they have the excuse that they couldn't find the truth because of all of the nonsense in the "churches" and the "media".

By the way, that Mr Tamaki mentioned in the article above is the multi-millionaire false teacher fake Christian "crook" that I have mentioned before and his bad name is known to just about every New Zealander.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.  Micah 5:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


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Because I believe personally, what I see in every single one of you, is: you're called to be the next Martin Luther Kings. [Alyssa Barlow nods with a fist bump.] You're called to be the next Joan of Arcs. You're called to be the next Mother Teresas. You're called to start movements. You're called to do something great. You're called to stand for things when no one else is standing for them. You're called to be set apart. How are we ever going to change a world that we look and act just like? You are called to do great things. You have been chosen by God Himself to do great things.

Also, this kind of talking from Lauren Barlow is just encouraging people to have pride in themselves and their achievements/works, not to be brought to humiltiy and repentance.