Author Topic: Repetition and Hypocrisy  (Read 5256 times)


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Repetition and Hypocrisy
« on: July 31, 2020, 10:25:08 AM »
I've noticed in Christopher's teachings that he sure repeats himself over and over again in every single teaching he does. I can pick any teaching of his and end up hearing the same exact phrases from a teaching of an entirely different topic.
Does Christopher go out and work to earn a wage to care for his family as a man is naturally called to do? If he doesn't, that makes sense as to why he has all the time in the world to answer emails from obvious gnostic types who can never be corrected and to type away on his keyboard to write very lengthy articles that I'm sure only a handful of people read and listen to on a regular basis. Yet he speaks and acts as though he is talking to a large audience of those who don't regularly hear his points and reasoning.
I have a thought that his congregation is too afraid to call him out on his own hypocrisy, looking narrowly on his actions and words as he continually does to others who are hypocrites as well as he is. His congregation is afraid to be on the receiving end of his constant banning for those he gets offended by.
How about he starts speaking to his congregation directly instead of insulting their intelligence by imagining that one day there will be a surge of many new members who haven't heard his tired, cold ways of preaching and dealing with people. By the way, I reject the trash that is seminary theology and I'll never step foot in a so-called church. I'm a hypocrite as well as he is, but at least I admit it honestly.

Christopher Johnson is the type to say that he's a sinner like anyone else but deep down views himself even as I'm sure Paul viewed himself, as in, doing more for the kingdom of the Lord than others who also professed Christ Jesus. I'm sorry to offend Christopher by saying this, but him keeping himself in a bubble away from the world except through the internet is not serving the Father and His Son as he might think that he is.
 I also find it strange that Christopher is always in the process of setting at naught people who preach sound doctrine and expose the wickedness of current false teachers as though Christopher is the end all of Biblical teaching. Christopher surrounds himself with people that will always agree with him and consume his teaching without any meaningful correction towards him.
When Christopher is corrected, he immediately copies and pastes walls of Bible verses as a way to win the argument and plays the same game that people like Kent Hovind play by claiming that his congregation agrees with his points entirely and so making his argument the right and Biblical one. I won't be surprised if this post gets removed or banned for Christopher's feelings being hurt while his congregation pats him on the back and tells him how he did the right thing for this or that reason.
Why doesn't Christopher call his own congregation out for bowing at his feet when it comes to his doctrine and teaching? Why is it that Christopher's congregation has lost the ability to speak their own words but instead regurgitate the same phrases over and over again as a means to defend their beloved prophet as do all the other cults for their leaders?
I pity his wife, honestly. It must be difficult having a husband who refuses to get a simple job, and I know the reason why. It's because Christopher has a soapbox permanently glued to the bottom of his feet, and would not be able to keep himself from calling out others at work that he deems as believing in false doctrine, whether they do or not.
This proves that Christopher is a busybody who cannot show the love and truth of the Lord Christ Jesus by his actions towards others. He feels the need to exhaust people with words upon words upon words upon words of repetitious rebuke and correction until they give in or they offend him so that he can easily write them off as he does with anyone who doesn't join his congregation and believes his every point.
Could it be possible that Christopher Johnson is jealous that he is not a popular preacher and never was, even when he fell into the same church-going stuff that he now condemns? I'm also sure he indirectly shames his congregation for not donating to him as much as they should because of all the hard work he does in typing his articles and writing his books.
I would really love to see his answer to my post. I expect him to get immediately offended and to ban me instantly because of such a harsh post of criticism towards him. I hope he proves me wrong though, but I already know what answer to expect, sadly.


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2020, 10:47:52 AM »
You signed an agreement when you came onto this forum, and you did not read carefully.
As stated in the Registration Agreement that everyone electronically signed when creating an account, you must make a post in the Introduce Yourself section of our forum within 48 hours of registering, or you may have your account deleted.

The reason you skipped over all this is because you did not come here to have peaceful discussion, you came here with a railing and contentious attitude, and it contradicts the pretense of your username.
But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.
-1Co 11:16
Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.
-Pro 13:10

If you calm yourself in temperance (which is the fruit of the Spirit of God), then things will go much smoother for you while you are here.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
-Gal 5:22-23

If you abide by the rules of our forum, then we can have a discussion with you about your concerns. If you do not want to follow the rules, then we will show you the door and bid you a pleasant day.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2020, 11:54:22 AM »
I did what you asked me to do, now please respond with something real if you believe you should.


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2020, 02:47:04 PM »
I've noticed in Christopher's teachings that he sure repeats himself over and over again in every single teaching he does.
Would you like to know the reason for that? I used to hate doing it, but now I have learned that I need to do it for the sake of other Christians. If you have a heart of charity that wants to know why I do the things the way I do them, you are welcome to ask a question and I can answer it.

I can pick any teaching of his and end up hearing the same exact phrases from a teaching of an entirely different topic.
That is because many verses correlate together, and apply to multiple issues. Are you listening to the full teaching in the audio downloads on the website, or are you just listening by YouTube? I don't know which one. However, if you have a problem with one particular issue, make it known to everyone so we can understand your argument.

Does Christopher go out and work to earn a wage to care for his family as a man is naturally called to do?
I did for many years. In the past four years (since 2016), I have worked this ministry full time. If you take the time to study Scripture on your own (i.e. not just listening to my teachings all the time), you will find that the Holy Spirit allowed for those who labor in the Word and doctrine to make a living from the teaching of the Word, so long as they are doing and teaching what is right.
Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?
-1Co 9:7-11

If you cannot understand what these verses mean, let us know, and we can help you to understand them better. As it stands, it ought to be an embarrassment to you that, not only are you demanding that I work 60 hours a week on this ministry, giving everything away for free, but you are also demanding that I reliquish having anyone be charitable to me and my wife, and work another 40-60 hours a week on top of that.

Let me ask you this: Have you done that? Are you leading by example in that manner by working a full-time job and doing a full-time teaching ministry, or are you just laying that burden on other mens' shoulders?
And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.
-Luke 11:46
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
-Mat 7:12

If he doesn't, that makes sense as to why he has all the time in the world to answer emails from obvious gnostic types who can never be corrected and to type away on his keyboard to write very lengthy articles that I'm sure only a handful of people read and listen to on a regular basis.
That is correct; I have the time to write, code, research, study, answer, edit, correct, process and upload videos and audio, write entire full-length books and release them free-to-read... because the Lord Jesus Christ has blessed Lorraine and I with a handful of people who are charitable enough to help me get that done because I could not do it alone. Would you feel better if they stopped helping us in charity?

Yet he speaks and acts as though he is talking to a large audience of those who don't regularly hear his points and reasoning.
Acts? I thought I remember saying multiple times in various teachings that we only have maybe around 100-150 regular listeners. I don't care if we only had 10 regular listeners, these audio teachings go out across the world, and though I make these primarily for the church, I am preaching to all who will hear and understand. If that upsets you, then I would encourage you to start up teaching in ministry and go set a better example for us to show us what we, as a church, should do.

I have a thought that his congregation is too afraid to call him out on his own hypocrisy, looking narrowly on his actions and words as he continually does to others who are hypocrites as well as he is. His congregation is afraid to be on the receiving end of his constant banning for those he gets offended by.
Chris, I'll tell you what: I'll let them answer that for you. I don't think my words or examples will help you understand, so I will ask them to speak as they are convicted on the matter.

How about he starts speaking to his congregation directly instead of insulting their intelligence by imagining that one day there will be a surge of many new members who haven't heard his tired, cold ways of preaching and dealing with people. By the way, I reject the trash that is seminary theology and I'll never step foot in a so-called church. I'm a hypocrite as well as he is, but at least I admit it honestly.
I still cannot figure out what it is you want. This is really quite vague. There are about 25 members in our church, and most of them have accounts here, so I think it's better that they answer you on that. Obviously, you wanted them to hear this (because you are here to cause discord among brethren), so again, I'll let them respond.
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
-Pro 6:16-19

Christopher Johnson is the type to say that he's a sinner like anyone else but deep down views himself even as I'm sure Paul viewed himself, as in, doing more for the kingdom of the Lord than others who also professed Christ Jesus.
That's a big assumption. First of all, Paul did not view himself that way, Paul said that as a matter of fact, and it is true; he did do more than the others. I have never stated such a thing, nor do I think that way, but what you chose to do is make an assumption, and just say "I'm the type" who will do that. That's not an argument.
In your so-called "introduction" post, you said, "I made a post in the same way he posts and accuses others of being hypocrites." So far, that is a lie. I use direct quotes and compare what people say to what Scripture teaches us. You have not quoted anything I have said, you have not pointed out any Scriptures that I am violating, and you have not explained anything. You are just whining like child, and we are not supposed to be children when it comes to understanding.
Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.
-1Co 14:20

Now, do you see how I quote the things you say and show you the violation between what you say and what Scripture teaches? That is how a Christian should make an argument, and therefore, you have not posted "in the same way" that I do.

I'm sorry to offend Christopher by saying this, but him keeping himself in a bubble away from the world except through the internet is not serving the Father and His Son as he might think that he is.
Again, I'll let those who live here give their testimonies on that. I do not need to defend myself against a liar. You are welcome to believe whatever you want.

I also find it strange that Christopher is always in the process of setting at naught people who preach sound doctrine and expose the wickedness of current false teachers as though Christopher is the end all of Biblical teaching. Christopher surrounds himself with people that will always agree with him and consume his teaching without any meaningful correction towards him.
Again, I'll let others in our church respond to that. You are welcome to believe whatever you want about me, but what I want to know is exactly what I said in my response to your introduction. Which of your favorite preachers (i.e. your gods) did I rebuke? I suspect it's Kent Hovind, but that's just a guess; am I wrong?

When Christopher is corrected, he immediately copies and pastes walls of Bible verses as a way to win the argument and plays the same game that people like Kent Hovind play by claiming that his congregation agrees with his points entirely and so making his argument the right and Biblical one.
Read that carefully folks. Chris is arguing that we should NOT use Scripture to correct anyone if they state something that is false. If anyone comes to us and falsely accuses us, according to Chris, we are simply expected to accept their lies and change ourselves to fit in with their false doctrines. I would love for Chris to provide some Scripture for that, but again, he is already setting up a narrative by which he is claiming that we should not use Scripture to correct anyone, and the reason for that is because he does not want to be corrected:
Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
-Pro 15:10

I want him to get to his point and just tell me which of his false gods (i.e. teachers) I rebuked, so we can get to the point because I need to get back to work.

I won't be surprised if this post gets removed or banned for Christopher's feelings being hurt while his congregation pats him on the back and tells him how he did the right thing for this or that reason.
Has he not read the "Wild Emails" section here? I don't think Chris knows how we operate.

Why doesn't Christopher call his own congregation out for bowing at his feet when it comes to his doctrine and teaching? Why is it that Christopher's congregation has lost the ability to speak their own words but instead regurgitate the same phrases over and over again as a means to defend their beloved prophet as do all the other cults for their leaders?
Chris does not listen to my teachings very well then because I have said many times that people should not be following me, and that they should be following Jesus Christ, and checking out the things I'm telling them to make sure they are true.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
-2Ti 2:15

Of course, Chris will whine and complain that I quote that verse over and over and over again, and this is one of the reasons why I do that, so those who come in the wickedness of contention, with railing and false accusations, might memorize these verses, and judge themselves accordingly.
For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
-1Co 11:31

I pity his wife, honestly. It must be difficult having a husband who refuses to get a simple job, and I know the reason why. It's because Christopher has a soapbox permanently glued to the bottom of his feet, and would not be able to keep himself from calling out others at work that he deems as believing in false doctrine, whether they do or not.
I just shared your statement with my wife. She said she might respond to you later this evening in a response on this thread.

This proves that Christopher is a busybody who cannot show the love and truth of the Lord Christ Jesus by his actions towards others. He feels the need to exhaust people with words upon words upon words upon words of repetitious rebuke and correction until they give in or they offend him so that he can easily write them off as he does with anyone who doesn't join his congregation and believes his every point.
Could it be possible that Christopher Johnson is jealous that he is not a popular preacher and never was, even when he fell into the same church-going stuff that he now condemns? I'm also sure he indirectly shames his congregation for not donating to him as much as they should because of all the hard work he does in typing his articles and writing his books.
I would really love to see his answer to my post. I expect him to get immediately offended and to ban me instantly because of such a harsh post of criticism towards him. I hope he proves me wrong though, but I already know what answer to expect, sadly.
Sorry everyone, I just really need to get back to work because I'm in the middle of working on more teachings. I don't have time for this nonsense. All this is vague. He gives no examples, no quotes. He provides no Scripture. He lied in a number of instances, and most importantly, he has not told us what triggered him to do this in the first place. I want to know which false teacher I rebuked that offended him.

If Chris is not going to tell us, I can't see any purpose in continuing to respond to a man who accuses others on false and hypocritical pretenses. If he wants to explain himself with more details, providing evidence and Scripture for his claims, then let's see it, but if not, then he should depart this ministry in peace to go find whatever it is he is looking for, and I hope he has a great day.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2020, 08:33:07 PM »
Just so everyone is clear, Tim muted this guy's account based on his other post, which was not at all appropriate to the rules of the forum, so I am waiting for him to decide what to do from here. This guy has started to spam me in email, but I am ignoring them for the time being since he obviously wanted all this to be public, or he would have emailed me first instead of coming to the forum. I'll leave it in Tim's hands on what he chooses to do.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2020, 11:02:17 PM »
He is banned. I had said if he caused any more trouble I would ban him, so I did. Probably should have just done that in the beginning because I was afraid he would start spamming your email.

I've noticed in Christopher's teachings that he sure repeats himself over and over again in every single teaching he does. I can pick any teaching of his and end up hearing the same exact phrases from a teaching of an entirely different topic.

Yet he speaks and acts as though he is talking to a large audience of those who don't regularly hear his points and reasoning.

How about he starts speaking to his congregation directly instead of insulting their intelligence by imagining that one day there will be a surge of many new members who haven't heard his tired, cold ways of preaching and dealing with people.

When I started reading this guys complaints I couldn't figure out why Christopher J repeating things was a bad thing. I still can't make sense of it. He wanted to claim that the repetition was a way of Christopher J insulting the church's intelligence because, in the mind of Chris from Idaho, Christopher J thinks everyone else is dumb. But this is a claim based from the guy's imagination. Christopher J has said before that one of the reasons he repeats Scripture references is for the sake of new listeners so they wouldn't have to look up the Scripture references themselves. It's already there for them, and they can go back and check those references much easier that way. It doesn't matter if there is "a surge of many new members." The fact is that there are people who are new if just a few and they would benefit from the repetition. The repetition also helps us that have been here for any length of time to memorize those verses. So it benefits us as well. I'm sure there are other reasons why Christopher J repeats those things. Even if there weren't a good reason for the repetition, why would Chris from Idaho have a specific problem with that? I guess he just doesn't like the hear the Word of God read to him very much.

I have a thought that his congregation is too afraid to call him out on his own hypocrisy, looking narrowly on his actions and words as he continually does to others who are hypocrites as well as he is. His congregation is afraid to be on the receiving end of his constant banning for those he gets offended by.

As far as I know, I'm the one that does the most banning here on the forum. Not Christopher J. Case and point, I just banned Chris from Idaho. Also, Chris from Idaho did not explain what hypocrisy he was referring to and he did not prove anything. Even if there was something any of us know of that Christopher J needs to be corrected on, in the past we have corrected him. I have corrected him on an error he taught once after a teaching sometime last year and he accepted the correction just fine and did everything he could to fix it. There are times when others have pointed things out to him and I'm pretty sure they weren't afraid to do it.

I can't speak for everyone in the church, but the fact is Chris from Idaho is not making this accusation with any knowledge of how the church has dealt with those errors in the past. His claim is completely unjustified.

I'm sorry to offend Christopher by saying this,

No he's not.

but him keeping himself in a bubble away from the world except through the internet is not serving the Father and His Son as he might think that he is.

I disagree on both points. First of all, the teaching of doctrine to the church and giving the gospel to the lost through various means (not just the internet) is, in fact, serving God...because Jesus said to do that.

Mark 16:15 - And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Matthew 28:19 - Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

I also disagree with Christopher J secluding himself in a bubble. He used to give creation seminars. He has talked about him and Lorraine going out passing tracts. When I visited them at their place last month, he talked to me about various things he has tried to do in the community they live in and the things he has had to deal with. They went to pray over a member in the church in California last year and he talked about helping out a homeless woman in need of food that they happened to pass by. I don't consider that living in a bubble.

Chris from Idaho has assumed a lot of things about Christopher J and the rest of the church without having any knowledge about or conversation with any of us that I know of. So I still don't know what this guy is going on about. If he's going to be so much in his feelings over something that he won't even be straight forward about, I don't think he could have been reasoned with. I wanted to give the guy a chance to respond because I wanted to be patient with him. But I had to mute him because of his insults and then ban him for spamming email. Hopefully that the end of that.


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2020, 11:34:59 PM »
I did not read his emails, but I suspect they were just more of the same. I could look at them for a moment, let me pull them up...

Well, now that I've briefly looked at them, I'll just post them here and let you guys judge the matter. The first email he sent me is titled "Muted?" and it reads:
Have you ever called somebody lazy for "doing what's convenient rather than what's right"? Have you ever called somebody a busybody, Christopher? Are you so thin-skinned as to not be able to handle a bit of criticism? I never used filthy language at any point but now I am even more convinced that you value censorship against those that disagree with you so that others cannot be alerted of your hypocrisy. Do you think of your congregation as so weak in faith that you must mute me so that you can get the upper-hand in whatsoever narrative and break-down that you will tell them? I'm begging you to put me on your "wild emails" section because I see that you only pick on the obviously weak who do not know anything true about the Bible. You must be intimidated because of how I spoke in my posts, realizing that I'm not some ignorant false christian who eats up the words of the false prophets and pastors of the world. I don't justify myself but neither should you, and you definitely do. Have you ever called yourself a prophet? I know you have because you say that a prophet teaches the doctrine of the LORD God and not necessarily predicts the future, which is true. But you cannot deny that you have, at the very least indirectly, referred to yourself as a prophet of God. In the same way that you believe you are a pastor and yet will never say that you are. You're not blameless, Christopher. I'm ashamed of you and expected you to be a bit more tough. It's embarrassing for your testimony, Christopher. Get out of your internet bubble and stop making excuses. I've donated to CLE a few times and never made it known, but now I've made it known as a testimony against you.

The second letter is titled, "How can I defend myself if I am muted?" It reads:
Do you always hide behind your congregation like Steven Anderson and Kent Hovind? I despise people like them and yet you think you offended me for speaking about Kent Hovind? I hope Kent Hovind gets thrown in jail for the rest of his life, along with everyone who is a partake of his wicked sins. I also hope that Steven Anderson gets publicly shamed for his pedophile sons that he raised and that he is also condemned for the rest of his worthless life. I donated a couple times to you more than a year ago so don't falsely accuse me of not having donated because you can't find proof. I used an anonymous email and PayPal at the time so that I wouldn't sound a trumpet before me, but I guess you'll judge anyone for anything if it makes you look good to your loyal members. And no, my last name doesn't start with a 'T'. As I said, I donated as anonymously as I could and never once brought it up before. I agreed with you in almost everything, but you throw everyone the cold shoulder that takes time out of their day to email you and I have never once seen you respond with humility and meekness. All you do is shove the Bible in people's faces while being guilty of hypocrisy and laziness yourself, Christopher Johnson. I am not surprised by your reaction to my posts on your forum, because you are using the same arguments as those who argue against you. If someone tells you to be more 'calm' you rebuke them, but I see that it is just fine for you to ask that someone be more 'calm'. You justify yourself in everything and just because you barely get by from donations doesn't make it right to put your wife in such an uncomfortable position. She's afraid to say anything because you have put fear into her just like Kent Hovind did with Jo.

So you guys are aware, I checked this past year on all our donations, and there is no one on an anonymous account. All of the donors have first and last name. So, that means, if he donated, he operating under a fake name, which actually means he is a liar and deceiver, and giving under false pretenses since he is now using that, as he stated, "a testimony against" me. (Whatever that's supposed to mean.) That is, of course, assuming what he is saying is true, because we cannot verify that he is even telling us the truth, and since he has already demonstrated false accusation, railing, and murmuring, I am not inclined to believe him without evidence.

I'm not sure I'm going to respond to much of this because it sounds incomprehensible for the most part. However, the viciousness of his heart is sad because I do not wish for Kent Hovind to go to jail for the rest of his life, but rather, I think what a wonderful praise unto God it would be that he would come to godly sorrow of his wrongdoing and be saved. I do not wish for Steven Anderson to be publicly shamed, but rather, I would wish that he would come to godly sorrow of his wrongdoing and be born again. Nothing about Chris from Idaho's post is edifying to the church, building up discernment and glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ, it's just about him and his feelings.

I know I have been a hypocrite many times, which is why I can spot them so easily today. I know I have been guilty of laziness, and I have worked to combat that for the sake of Christ, and at the very least, I hope this entire ministry is some evidence that God restored me, had mercy on me, and has changed me for the better. Apart from that, I'll leave it to you guys to respond because these types of letters are dime a dozen in my experience, and Lorraine may be responding as well to his accusations, so I'll leave it up to her conviction if she wants to say anything.

(NOTE: His email address for this account is the same he wrote me with, and he put his name as "Christopher Johnson" on it. I highly doubt that is his real name, and I suspect he is lying in that regard as well, so you were right to ban him.)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 10:52:32 AM by creationliberty »
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2020, 10:46:55 AM »
I was trying to come up with a response to all of Chris from Idaho's railings, but I stopped about half way through. Lord help me, but I do not have the patience like you do Tim and Chris J. This man obviously got convicted by some teaching and is extremely angry about it. I hope that his anger leads him to repentance over the matter, and he can move forward with edifying the body instead of railing against it.

The only things I find repetitive in the teachings are example after example proving the point of the article and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Both of these things just means that Chris J is focused on telling the truth and spreading the gospel. I don't understand how this can be a bad thing. Our focus should be on these things.

If anything, this ministry has taught me not to bow at man's feet. I have more confidence in reading the bible without commentary, understanding what the words say, and standing by the convictions I get from reading them.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2020, 11:00:08 AM »
UPDATE: This morning [Aug 1], Tim asked me some questions about this man's location, and the IP Address on the account is coming from the Missouri/Kansas area, confirming that this guy is lying, and therefore, nothing he says can be believed at this point unless we had evidence to the contrary. We suspect this could possibly be someone who was removed from our church some time ago for his lack of repentance for his drug and alcohol abuse, which comes at a very convenient time, right after I release part 1 of my audio teaching "Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell."

For now, I will call this man "S." I checked the IP of the emails I received from S, and they are from the same area, not from Idaho. Furthermore, I looked over old emails I had from this man at the same time (i.e. July) last year, and the writing style is identical. Here is one of the emails I received from S last year:
"I'll refrain from sarcasm and say that you have given a poor response. I ask you to forgive me for my harshness. Are you willing to trust even more in the LORD God and go out into the world to reach the poor for Christ? I'm not talking about myself, because I'm a filthy hypocrite. Why don't you do the work with all your might? I'm not talking about impressing any man. You sure speak about work ethic, but why don't you bear a bit for a wage that will surely benefit your wife and family? You are making it harder on yourself and you have become an indirect complainer. Get a simple job for a bit and make some money so that you can pay for any expenses that trouble your life."

The writing style and the subject matter are identical. I checked the IP of S's old email from last year, and where is it from? You guessed it, the Kansas/Missouri area. I think we found our culprit, so I want to thank Tim for his quick discernment on this matter, and now I hope that many of you can see why we removed him from our church.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
-Psa 34:18


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2020, 01:35:15 PM »
It really saddens me (and angers me, too) that he would resort to such railing accusations because he got his feelings hurt, especially after you went to such time and expense to provide a way out of the bad situation he was in where he lived and then he rejected it out of hand like it wasn't a big deal. And now he's accusing you of being uncharitable?! That just blows my mind. He has never once shown any repentance for his wrongdoing, yet he's calling YOU a hypocrite! Wow, he needs to take a good long look in the mirror before projecting all of his own bad behaviour onto you. If he's banned, he probably can't read this himself, but you did not kick him out of the church by yourself. That was something we all discussed and agreed to. Furthermore, I had to laugh when he said he thought Lorraine was too afraid of you to tell you to go out and get a job and I was thinking he sure doesn't know her very well! She certainly is NOT someone who is afraid to speak her mind. If all of this is what is really in his heart, I'm wondering now how he managed to deceive us all for so long while he was with us. He also knows all of us well enough to know that we do NOT just follow you blindly and we we will call you out on anything we find to be in error or perceive to be in error. I know I have corrected you a few times, too, and you have accepted the correction and edited your teachings where appropriate. I can't imagine why he is so bitter towards you and the rest of us.


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2020, 03:18:27 PM »
On a lighter note, if it weren't for "christjesusistheonlytruth's" IP address being situated in Kansas/Missouri, I would have deduced his tirades towards Christopher and the CLE ministry due to a possible consumption of tainted potatoes from Idaho  :D

If all of this is what is really in his heart, I'm wondering now how he managed to deceive us all for so long while he was with us.

Excellent point from Jeanne. As the bible teaches:

"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."
- Psalms 118:8


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2020, 10:08:15 PM »
Dear Forum,
There are a few points that I would like to address about accusations made against Chris in regards to me- his wife.
I pity his wife, honestly. It must be difficult having a husband who refuses to get a simple job, and I know the reason why. It's because Christopher has a soapbox permanently glued to the bottom of his feet, and would not be able to keep himself from calling out others at work that he deems as believing in false doctrine, whether they do or not.
Chris has worked very hard, for a LONG time, by the Lord's grace, to grow the ministry to be able to support us through donations. For many years we didn't have any donations or funding. Chris worked a full time job and would then come home and work on the ministry. I too, worked to help our household get by. In order to do this, Chris therefore had to keep his mouth shut- and he did- to provide for us. There is a time and a place to talk with people about Christ and the other topics on his website and we both agree that in most instances, the workplace is not one of them.

You justify yourself in everything and just because you barely get by from donations doesn't make it right to put your wife in such an uncomfortable position. She's afraid to say anything because you have put fear into her just like Kent Hovind did with Jo.
I am not uncomfortable, far from it. I have the wonderful opportunity to run my own business that I would otherwise not be able to do if Chris wasn't providing for our household. I get to set my own schedule, work for the farm, our house, and each other. And I - as Jeanne stated (quoted below) am far from timid. I have nothing to fear from my husband as he is far more charitable to me than I deserve.

Furthermore, I had to laugh when he said he thought Lorraine was too afraid of you to tell you to go out and get a job and I was thinking he sure doesn't know her very well! She certainly is NOT someone who is afraid to speak her mind.
Thanks Jeanne!  :D


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Re: Repetition and Hypocrisy
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2020, 11:44:32 AM »
I know that Christopher who started this thread won't be able to read this, but I just wanted to add that the repetition of Scripture throughout Christopher Johnson's teachings has been very helpful for me. I am not offended in the least. While I don't have verses memorized word-for-word yet, it has helped me recall many verses and apply them to my life and other conversations on the forum. Repetition is a basic concept in learning that I am using to teach my toddler. Therefore, it is very helpful for new Christians. Seeing the same Scriptures over and over will strengthen all of us, even those Christians who are strong in the Word.