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Topics - WillCullum

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Diet Old Testament Vs. New Covenant
« on: November 19, 2019, 01:41:34 PM »
One of my prison pen pals has ask me why we don't abide by the dietary laws of the Old Testament.  I don't feel comfortable teaching him on this subject and was wondering if there is an easy to go to study on this subject that you might direct me to?

Bible Discussion / Scofield refrence Bible for prisoners
« on: June 21, 2019, 10:34:52 AM »
Greetings to lovers of The Lord Jesus I would like to ask for assistance.  I communicate with several prisoners.  It appears to be that prisoners can easily obtain very high quality Scofield Reference Bibles for free from various places.  I'm looking for a small paperback book of even just an article that I can send to prisoners to warn them about the Scofield Reference Bible.  Books to prisoners can only come from book sellers.  When possible I like to get in contact with authors directly because they will often times be able to provide their book(s) at about 1/2 the normal price.  In my search for the above mentioned materials I ran across a web site called this site had a small blurb about the heresies in the SRB, and mentioned the title of a book "The Incredible Scofield and His Book" the blurb also indicated the book was available through that ministry.  However, I couldn't find any contact info on that website  I'm wondering if any have had dealings with that ministry?

Introduce Yourself / William Cullum
« on: December 09, 2018, 09:28:45 PM »
Hi folks, I'm 40 yrs old, my mailing address is *************, Hugoton, KS 67951, my primary ministry is to prisoners, and I also live on a homestead with my aged grandparents.  I have a job working on irrigation equipment used in agriculture.  I grow a good deal of my own food and have chickens and goats.  I learned of the CLE Forum from Christopher Johnson, and I found Mr. Johnson on YouTube.  The attached is a testimony I wrote some time ago and have sent to prisoners. 

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