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Topics - Amilcar502

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Introduce Yourself / Introduce Yourself
« on: June 07, 2022, 11:05:29 PM »
Hello Everyone,
My name is Brian. 32 year old Christian living in Los Angeles.
I happen to come across CLM on youtube. My original intention was to look for a video that I had previously watched relating to 501c3. I looked endlessly for that video on my browser history and youtube history with no success. I did however stumble on 501c3, the Devil's Church. From there I saw other video by CLM and visited the website. Since than i have been watching and reading the material online.
I wanted to join CLM forum because I have been unable to find a good local church. I did attend one of the local churches a few months back but the structure did not seem right. It would consist of 1.5 hours of music/praise. After that  bible study would start. I don't mind the music/praise but not for that long. I would rather get into the meat of scripture as a group.
My first real interaction with the Bible was when I encounter the Hebrew Isrealites on youtube. I had never seen people use the Bible in that way. Everything they said they backed up with scripture, at least i thought so at the time. I was amazed and captivated. I did follow them for a few months. They had everything going except love for the Gentile. They despised the Gentile. I did not agree so I moved on and started following other youtube channels. During my mid to late 20's I had an interest in diet and nutrition. I saw that the 7th Day Adventist focus heavenly on diet and nutrition. They had a special guest well rounded in nutrition and invited the community to join them. I attended the meeting and it went well. The following weeks I attended their bible study session and attended one of their worship services. Due to a conflict between the bible teacher and the pastor I stopped attending. I tried looking for a local church for some months but no success, than it crossed me. I have spent so much time looking for a physical church, when that could be spend reading my bible and building an intimate relationship with the Lord. In that time my relationship with the Lord grew and is still growing till this day. I am no seeking like minded individual to commune with.

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