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Messages - creationliberty

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Wild Emails @ CLE / Trying to Promote Himself, and Lying About It
« on: October 25, 2021, 12:12:28 PM »
This one was a bit comical. That's why I'm posting this; I thought you all might enjoy it.


Dear Sir:  I have developed an approx. 5000 plus word article concerning our God-given mental faculties! It involves a neurosurgeon performing an actual brain surgical procedure on an epileptic patient, whereby he also evaluated how our mental faculties actually work! His research showed that we do have a nonmaterial mind//material brain interaction system! Very very credible and I see you disagree with Psychology also concerning our mental problems of life! ( Which I also do)  Please email me as if you may be interested reviewing my article! I do have some Creation ministries with my article on their websites also! Take care in the Lord,  Darryl

No, I'm not interested. I mean, I wrote an almost 400-page book on the subject, and I have other books for different topics I'm working on right now, so I don't know why you thought I would interested in it. Are you just trying to promote yourself? It sounds like it. That's not what my ministry is for, nor is that what I was called to do for the Lord Jesus Christ. I thought I would do you the courtesy of being straight-forward so we don't waste each others' time. Have a great day. *detective emoji*

Dear Sir: I received your reply to my request and why are you jumping to conclusions about me when you do not know anything about me and my motivation? If I was trying to be what you say- I certainly would not go to all the trouble and also would be expecting to profit from my article! My hope is to give credence to Christ's creation of mankind, in particular, as to how we communicate with Him. Also if you have already published a book on the subject--I was not aware? Please do not judge people so quickly and of course a person trying to get an article published must show why it is credible, which may imply what you may consider being pushy??  Take care in the Lord,  Darryl

Three points:

1. So you question my conclusion (i.e. to cast doubt on it), but then you do not offer any reasoning contrary to that conclusion. That verifies that I hit the nail on the head, and now you're trying to stand on pretense to save face. That alone means I am cautious of you.

2. Just because you're not selling something (as far as I know) doesn't mean you're not trying to promote yourself. Promotion is not exclusive to sales. That excuse will fool some people, but not me, and those who are trying to promote themselves are exactly the kind of strangers who "go to all the trouble" to write these kinds of quick, impersonal letters to me. I've been working in this ministry for over 12 years now; you think you're the first person who's tried this with me?

3. You were not aware that I published a book on the matter (which is free-to-read on my website), which means you did not even bother to take a few minutes to check out what I'm teaching. That means you don't even know if we agree on the Gospel of Salvation, which is FAR more important, and so that's just flat-out laziness on your part. I'll take a guess here: You saw some thumbnail for one of my videos on some social media, read the title (i.e. Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil), jumped to conclusions about what I do and teach (which you hypocritically accused me of doing), and wrote to me without checking out any details first.

That sound about right?

Like I said, I'm not interested, and I definitely do not like working with people who are not going to at least show me the courtesy of being honest with me. Again, I hope you have a great day. *detective emoji*

Hello again,  I have never met someone as coarse as you seem to be regarding your judgment of mankind! There is no pretense either as you  are so sure about!! Of course, underlying thoughts sometime creep in that are not Christ-like in any believer’s life.  My situation concerning writing an article stems from a situation way back in my earlier life, and that is the reason why I have spent so much time with this subject! You again appear to be a the final judge, whether you believe it or not! Certainly I am not perfect and only with God’s grace am I even alive today. Concerning checking out your website, I did see enough to be convinced that you are on the right track concerning psychology,etc., as that is one of my main grievances, which is against modern day counseling theory and practice. Are your rough edges wise or not—I really do not know? ( possibly yes and maybe no?) I get your message anyway, which basically is good, but is there not a more kindly way of putting it??  Take care in the Lord,  Darryl Sletten  PS- Concerning salvation, I believe according to what I did notice on your website that you are a saved person, as the subjects, "and how you covered them”, are only covered by a believer in Christ!  Also no further discussion between us is necessary, as I did learn to be more careful concerning motivations for whatever project I may be trying to accomplish in the Lord.


This one is not rocket science. I have receive so many of these types of letters over the years. What you need to ask yourself (from your own perspective) is this: Why would a stranger write any of you out of the blue, tell you they have a document they wrote, and ask you if you are interested in it?

Maybe we could rephrase that. Ask yourself this: How many reasons can you think of that YOU would write a complete stranger and ask them if they are interested in reading a document you wrote? Darryl thinks he's being REALLY smooth, but it is like watching a five-year-old try to excuse his way out of admitting he took a cookie from the cookie jar.

I would have had no problem with this if he had just been honest and straight-forward with me. So many people are scared to just come out and declare their real intentions. I have no problem with someone speaking the truth about their intentions, I only have a problem when they are caught hiding their true intentions, and then try to convince you of a more noble intention after the fact. (Because, as I've said before, the road to hell is paved with those things.)

The amazing thing to me was that this guy did not spend ten seconds looking into what I teach on the subject of psychology (let alone what I teach on the Gospel of Salvation), and yet, he expected me to be fully invested in reading his 5,000-word document. It's interesting to note that our email exchange alone was about 10% of the length of his essay. The fact that he didn't even know that I had written a book on the subject was a major red flag that he only wrote me to promote himself because I guarantee that the moment he read that, he probably felt embarrassed, and now that I think about it, perhaps I should have asked him to send me the document just so I could see it because I would suspect it was lazily written.

There's not much chance of that now because he's already entered "HOW DARE YOU!" mode. You can clearly see that from the "how dare you judge me!" final response he gave. He tells me he's not standing on pretense, but he went from friendly to enemies in a matter of two short exchanges this morning, and he thinks he's really believable.

My situation concerning writing an article stems from a situation way back in my earlier life, and that is the reason why I have spent so much time with this subject!
So what he did here was attempt to try and make me feel bad for what I said to him, implying that he only wanted to send me his document because of his tragic history. If that was the case, he would have said so because I have received letters from people like that, and they do not communicate the way this man does. No, he wanted to promote himself, and now he's trying to offer up something to persuade me that this was not the case. Frankly, his history with psychology had nothing to do with what we talked about, and I guess he thinks that if he struggled with something a long time ago, that means he is absolutely not trying to promote himself.

Concerning checking out your website, I did see enough to be convinced that you are on the right track concerning psychology
But he didn't know I had a book? How did he check it out? What else did he look at? You might say to yourselves, "maybe he listened to one of your audio teachings," but at the beginning of each one, I point to the book on the website. Frankly, I think he's lying somewhere, I can't figure out where it is. (Notice that when I said he probably just saw a thumbnail, he didn't deny it.)

PS- Concerning salvation, I believe according to what I did notice on your website that you are a saved person, as the subjects, "and how you covered them”, are only covered by a believer in Christ!  Also no further discussion between us is necessary, as I did learn to be more careful concerning motivations for whatever project I may be trying to accomplish in the Lord.
I'm baffled on this one. I don't understand that first sentence. Trying to interpret this, he believes what he noticed that I am saved as I covered salvation is only covered by believers? I can't make sense of that.

The "no further discussion" comment means "don't talk to me anymore." That's no problem because I had no intention of replying to him any further after my second letter. I knew he was going to be upset, but I wanted to make things clear for him so he didn't waste his time.

However, his last comment was very interesting if you read it carefully. He said he learned to be more careful concerning motivations for what he's doing. Why would he have to be more careful concerning his motivations if I was wrong about what I told him he was doing? ??? Food for thought.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Brethren
« on: October 23, 2021, 02:26:58 AM »
I couldn't figure out how to get back in to my post, and password reset would not work for me. So I created another account, which you might want to delete.
I deleted your account because a few days had passed and you didn't answer. That's why you couldn't log in. People usually leave and never come back if they disappear for a few days after just joining and claiming to want discussion with us. It's happened many times before. I didn't know you were intending to return.

However, the more you talk, the more skeptical I'm becoming because you basically just copy/pasted the same thing you said the first time (word-for-word), but added just a few more words into it that still did not tell us anything. That is not helping us, and it certainly does not indicate that you want to come here to have discussions with us. Furthermore, your responses are very odd, and I want point out a few of them so you are aware of it, and maybe you can respond to it further and explain it so we can all understand your meaning more clearly, and that would be helpful.

Not asking you "what to say"
Paul, I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, but it's really weird, and I'll try to demonstrate this as clearly as I can.

Here is the total testimony you gave us concerning your alleged conversion in Christ:
I was in a cult for 23 years before I came to the Lord
That does NOT tell us ANYTHING AT ALL. I have heard Jehovah's witnesses make similar claims, but they are not of Christ. So it tells us nothing.

Next, Ellie asked you: "Could you tell us more about your testimony of salvation?"
Your response was: What specifically would you like to know about my conversion?
You haven't told us anything about your alleged conversion yet, so the fact that you asked the question tells us that you do not understand.

Then, I pointed out the confusion that you are asking us what you ought to tell us. And yes Paul, despite the fact that you just tried to lie about it, you are asking us what we want you to tell us. For a man who claims he is born again in the Lord Jesus Christ and cannot tell us anything (on his own, without our input) about his conversion to Jesus Christ, that's weird, suspicious, and confusion, which leaves me very skeptical, so if you want to dispel my skepticism, you are going to have to try a little bit harder here. (That's why in the link I provided above, there are examples of others who have given good testimonies on this forum to help you in case you don't understand... did you read the link I provided? This is the third time I'm posting it for you.)

Now, that's just the first few words of your new post, but it gets stranger because you now are REPEATING the same question:
asking again, What specifically would you like to know about my conversion?
The reason you are asking that question is because you don't understand what we want to hear about. But then, in some strange, odd version of so-called "reasoning," you then declare that you understand (which is another lie):
I thought the first time I wrote a "bit" about myself. No need to be baffled or confused, because I do understand.
And furthermore, you tell me that there is "no need to be baffled or confused." Paul, the only thing I can tell you for certain is this: Of the born again Christians who have come here for discussion (i.e. the ones who actually give us a valid testimony in the Lord Jesus Christ), none of them talk like this. There is something very off about you, and I'm happy to read your response so you can clarify yourself to everyone if you want to clear this up, but as it stands right now, my guard is up, and I should add that the reason others are not responding to you as a new member on the forum (i.e. you'll notice you haven't seen very many people respond) is that they get very quiet when they are cautious of someone, so I am obviously not the only one.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man. (Colossians 4:6)
I am now beyond baffled by your posting of this verse because, upon us asking a very simple question that you claim to understand, you do not seem to know how to answer the most basic of questions that would be asked to even a new Christian, namely, to simply tell us about your conversion unto Jesus Christ. We're not asking you complicated calculus questions. Despite what you might believe, it should not be this difficult, and despite what you might believe, you obviously do NOT understand.

I was in a cult for 23 years before I came to the Lord - 
Being in a cult for 23 years has almost nothing to do with your testimony of conversion unto Jesus Christ. That is what is called a side note about your personal life before Christ. Coming out of a cult is not how a man is saved because many people have come out of cults into a false gospel.

and I thank Him for sending someone with the gospel to set me free.
We do not know what gospel you are referring to. There are TONS of false converts who claim they have the gospel and are set free. You have not explained any details to us, so we cannot discern who we are talking to. Just saying you "came to the Lord" is not sufficient.
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
-Mat 7:21-23

He showed me my error with the scriptures, I acknowledged them, renounced them, turned to the Savior by repenting,
Could you give us your definition of the word 'repentance' according to Scripture?
I think that might help clear up a few things.

and am growing in faith and knowledge as I study and preach the word as I go. There’s my testimony – “fruit unto repentance”.
If you are referring to Luke 3:8...
Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance,
That is not the same as "fruit unto repentance." Those are two VERY different phrases. I would love to explain that in more detail, but I think it would be better than I wait until you define the word 'repent' for us, specifically how you believe the Bible defines the word 'repent'.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and respond, I appreciate it.  :)

General Discussion / Re: Looking for a video... Could Use Some Help
« on: October 22, 2021, 01:37:12 AM »
I don't believe that's the same video, but you did a good job on that research hunt because it's similar to what he teaches in the other Christmas teaching he did. I'm not sure I can use that because I really need the other video, but that was a good find, and it backs up what I've said about him in the past.

General Discussion / Looking for a video... Could Use Some Help
« on: October 19, 2021, 02:45:23 PM »
I am looking for a video that our church listened to and discussed over Skype about three years ago. It was discussion we had after Bible study was over, so it was not recorded. It would take me far too long to try and find this video, but I could really use it for a book I'm working on right now, if anyone wants to try and hunt it down.
This thread gives a little detail on it, and it the video in question was a Mike Hoggard video on the subject of Christmas, and that he taught that Jesus ought to be worshiped as a sun god. If anyone wants to hunt around for that video and can get it to me, I would be grateful.

The only lead I can give you is that I think the background was Hoggard sitting at a news-like desk with a monitor behind him, and the background was a bunch of blue squares... and that is, I THINK it was that background. I'm not entire sure because this was years ago.

Do not send me a two hour video (if you have not looked over it yet) and ask me if that's the video in question. I would not know unless I listened to the whole thing. If I had time to sit around and listen to a bunch of his videos, then I would do that myself. That's part of the research process, listening to the subject matter in question and finding the right information. I have to say this because, many times in the past, if I have asked for help on these matters, I get lazy people who type some stuff into a search engine and just send me the search engine results (as if I don't have the capability or understanding to do that myself).


Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Brethren
« on: October 18, 2021, 01:05:52 PM »
I'm confused. You said you understand, but then have to ask us what to say?
Did you read the link I posted earlier?
It's entitled "All New Members (READ THIS FIRST!)" and it's on multiple places on the forum.

I want to ask "What about this do you not understand?" but you just told us that you understand. So I'm baffled right now.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Brethren
« on: October 17, 2021, 11:55:04 AM »
He logged back in after this, but he hasn't said anything. Does he not understand?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Brethren
« on: October 15, 2021, 08:17:34 PM »

Introduce Yourself / Re: An introduction
« on: October 14, 2021, 09:44:28 AM »
It's been about a week. I guess he didn't want to talk with us. Just another weird one that comes in, says something random, and apparently disappears. ???


Introduce Yourself / Re: An introduction
« on: October 09, 2021, 10:34:19 AM »
Hi John, there is a section highlighted on the forum titled, **New Member? Click Here!**, and you should read that first. It is not a requirement to be a poetic author to join in discussion with us, but if you click that link and read it, you will find the following:

Please don't just say "Hello." This forum is not an impersonal social media site. Keep in mind that we do not know who you are, and so writing a bit about yourself, your beliefs, how you found this site, why you joined, (if you are a Christian, include the testimony of your conversion of repentance and faith unto Christ), etc; all those types of details will help us get to know you a bit better, and we hope you enjoy conversing with born again Christians here.

Anyone can say they have "faith," but that doesn't tell us anything about what they believe, so more details on those matters would be helpful.


What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p18
« on: September 27, 2021, 12:53:59 PM »

Wild Emails @ CLE / Telegram Chat Full of Blind Churchgoers
« on: September 23, 2021, 04:19:15 PM »
In a Telegram chatroom, that is full of churchgoers, a man named Craig posted the following:

This whole tradegy has converted me from 'atheist' to born again Christian. The world is witnessing proof that the Holy Bible is true. If you cannot see that yet, you soon will.

The next couple of hundreds comments were all "Amen!" and "Praise Jesus!" -- you know, the typically church-ianity phrases. And yet, not one person addressed the Biblical problem. So I did.

If this whole tragedy is what "converted" you to Jesus Christ, then you are NOT born again in Jesus Christ. It's shocking how many people here seem to not understand the basics of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is NOT how the Bible says a man is born again.

But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
-Gal 3:23-25

It is the hearing of the law of God which brings a man to repentance (i.e. grief and godly sorrow) of his sin, in which he acknowledges the truth of this own corruption, and then cries out to the Lord Jesus Christ to save him from his own wickedness. You don't gain eternal life because you felt bad over a tragedy and decided to change your mind on some political issues; that is NOT Gospel of Jesus Christ, and you all should be ashamed that you do not understand this.

But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
-Mat 13:23

It's amazing how many people here do not understand the Gospel. I wish I could give a link here, but I can't, so go to my website creationliberty * com and search the keyword 'million'. There is a short book (free-to-read) I wrote called Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell. You need to understand what Christ said, that MANY (not few) would come to Him on the day of judgment, claiming they served Him, but He will turn them away to everlasting fire; this is the sermon on the mount:
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
-Mat 7:21-23

I have to write out my website that way because links get shadow banned. Soon after, a "Karen" showed up with the name Debbie, and responded:

How do YOU know that Craig and many others DIDN'T examine themselves when they confessed their sin of an unrepentant heart and disbelief in Jesus?? Please don't beat up our young-in-the faith Christian brothers/sisters because they didn't write a novel about their salvation experience. Allow The Holy Spirit to convince, convict, challenge and change them, please. You're giving believers a black eye by being so judgemental and dogmatic when you don't know another's heart.

To which, I responded:

Did you read what was said? Did he say he came to Jesus Christ because of his sin? No, that is not what was originally posted. Did you see how I used the Scripture to show you the problem? You flat-out ignored (i.e. denied) how the Holy Spirit, through the Bible, says that a man comes to Christ.

I look to the Lord God for instruction on how a man is saved, not public opinion. Where do you look? Apparently, you do not look to Jesus Christ because you hate righteous judgement:
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
-John 7:24
But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
-1Co 2:15

Do you not realize that the word 'judge' means to discern between truth and lies? If you do not want people here distinguishing between truth and falsehood, the you are in the wrong place, and you have no business calling yourself a "Christian."
judge (v): to compare facts or ideas, and perceive their agreement or disagreement, and thus to distinguish truth from falsehood

In your hypocrisy, you accused me of being "judgmental," and yet, you decided to judge me and determine (in unrightousness) what is in my heart. We who are born again in Christ are called to judge righteous judgment. You say that I cannot know what is in another man's heart, and that, once again, proves that you do not follow Jesus Christ because He said that we can:
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
-Mat 15:18

I want that young man to hear the truth of God's Word, but you obviously don't care about his soul. At least I care enough about him, and about you, to tell you the truth, but everyone here (including you Debbie) is blocking truth from being seen with your rhetoric. Kinda' sounds familiar doesn't it? It's how someone can present evidence of a matter, and yet, we see a mass of people who won't listen to reason?
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
-Isa 1:18
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
-Isa 5:20

Go to creationliberty * com and keyword search 'million' to read Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell. I know people here hate me for saying these things, but that's because they hate Jesus Christ first, so if you claim to follow Him, then hear His warning:
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. MANY will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
-Mat 7:21-23


This is why I'm telling people that I see an even greater enemy arising after this so-called "Great Awakening," which I think from a spiritual perspective is going to be a Great Darkness that is going to fall on this nation like we have never seen before. How long before it takes root in the U.S., I don't know, but we need to keep an eye out for the danger because these churchgoers will not hear God's Word.

Haha! Good point.

I just wanted to comment to say that it has taken me almost three full weeks of formatting (not including the editing) to get this done. This has been a very stressful three weeks because I have reformatted this book THREE times to try and get it right. There were so many problems, I don't want to go over it, but a lot of work went into this that you guys don't know about.

Corruptions of Christianity: Seventh-Day Adventism is now available to purchase in paperback and Kindle.

Click the following link to get more details:

Paperback: $35
Kindle: $23

And, as always, it is free-to-read here at

I understand that some of you will hate the fact that I have published this on Amazon's site, knowing that they are a deep state company, and I share the same sentiments. However, I cannot simply switch to another publisher right now for MANY reasons. If you do not understand those reasons, I would encourage you to write a full-length book that is hundreds of pages long with complete research and references, format it and self-publish it (without any staff to do it for you), and then you can have a discussion with me about how you would be able to handle transferring six books to a new platform; let me know when you get that done, and we'll talk about it.

What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Psychology: Hoodwinked by the Devil p17
« on: September 20, 2021, 05:28:35 PM »

General Discussion / Re: About Activities with Pagan Origins
« on: September 19, 2021, 07:37:15 PM »
Hello again, first up i wanna apologize to Mr. Johnson if ive ever annoyed him with my  response.i didnt quite understood what he meant rhe first time when he meant to give Examples of media. But to answer his question im going to keep it simple and say :
"The Alphabet Song" (A,B,C...) for music, and Snowwhite or films (a disney film with the witch being the villain,not hero)

As for Rowan, thank you for your response because it really hits the nail on the head on my Question. You made good biblical points thatll help me make informed decisions on what media i shall consume

When I said that I cannot answer your questions without more information, it is not to say that I could not answer your question with Scripture as Rowan did, and I'm sure Rowan knew this since I have taught on these subjects before. What I believe Rowan failed to see was that I was trying to get you to understand WHY you were asking this question, which is FAR more important than the answer, and now that he has done that, I have lost the line of questioning I wanted to go down with you to help you understand it.

For example, is it wrong for me to eat eggs benedict? Is it sin if choose to buy an off-brand of paper towels? Have I committed wickedness by stretching my body so I can do the splits? These questions are ENDLESS. If God wanted to create a list of do's and dont's for everything, the Bible would be far more than 10,000 volumes long, and you would never be able to read it all.

By not pointing out any particular sin in your original question, you were, in your mind, creating a sin that did not exist. I wanted you to look into Scripture, or at least, into your mind of what you know of Scripture, to select a particular sin that you thought you might be guilty of doing, and by selecting idolatry, you have now, essentially, associated a spiritual crime with music in general, which is very strange.

So let's get back to the reason you were asking the question, emphasizing a general "sin" that did not exist in Scripture.
Would it be a sin to enjoy listening to secular /non-worship songs (and by extension, watching movies/reading books), as long as it doesnt promote sin or a message that goes against what the bible teaches?

The simple answer to that is that it depends on your reason for listening to it, just as it is wrong to look on a naked woman who is not your wife, unless you're doing it for some justifiable reason, like performing surgery to save her life. The reason I did not answer you in this way is because this is something I believe you already understand, and that's based on the details of your question. (e.g. as long as it doesnt promote sin)

Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
-James 4:17

I won't bother to repeat the verses Rowan quoted because you have already read them, however, why were you asking this question? Was it because you believe that if you listen to a bad song you are going to go to hell? I doubt that, otherwise, you likely would not be on this forum because, it is presumed, that you believe in repentance and faith unto salvation in Jesus Christ.

So the only other reason you would ask this question is because you believe something you are listening to is not pleasing to God, which means your REAL question is: "Can I listen to [X] without God being upset with me?"

That is a very different question, but one that, once again, you can already answer because I can tell based on your question. You know it is wrong to create music that has lyrics that goes against what the Bible teaches, and you know that it is wrong to fill your mind with music that promotes sin, otherwise, you would not have added those stipulations into your question. This means that you already know that you are judging what songs you should or should not listen to based on your convictions from the Holy Spirit based on the knowledge He has given you of Scripture, and so that means, in the end, your question was actually pointless because you already answered it.

So my answer to you is that I am not your priest. I am not your dad. I am not here to tell you what you should or should not listen to in your household. You are responsible to God for what you say and do. If I simply answered you in that matter without attempting to get to the heart of what you were asking, you would have thought that I was annoyed with your response, when in fact, I was simply trying to get to provide more information so you could see why you were asking it.

The purpose of this is to, hopefully, show you that, in the future, you don't have to come to us to get list of rules of do's and dont's, like "Is it a sin to list to the alphabet song?" These types of questions are absurd because they are typically thought up by those who are looking for a list of laws/rules to make themselves feel "holy," when in fact, those who have been set an liberty by the Lord Jesus Christ has been freed from the law, only that we ought to study the Word of God so that the Holy Spirit can discipline us individually, because what is right or wrong for me to listen to is not the same as what is right or wrong for you to listen to, and vice versa.

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
-Gal 5:13

I hope that was helpful.

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