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Messages - creationliberty

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General Discussion / Re: Back pain relief?
« on: June 03, 2021, 09:51:00 AM »
But identifying a pinched nerve does not do anything for anyone. It does not solve the problem. The reason nerves get pinched is because there is pressure from something else pinching them. That could be bones, and bones shift because of muscle pressure. And there is muscle pressure due to tight muscles for what could be a variety of reasons.

For example, Lorraine has had chronic back pain because her fourth rib on her right side has been out of alignment. Some of my back pain has been due to tight hamstrings. I cannot diagnose anyone else simply because I am not educated enough on the muscle/bone structure, but I would recommend a physical therapist. They are more expensive than your average physician visit, but they can educate you on those things. I would be visiting one myself if I could afford it on a regular basis.

General Discussion / Re: Back pain relief?
« on: June 03, 2021, 12:35:28 AM »
It really comes down to proper stretching of the muscles, and how when they are not stretched, the pull on the bones, which causes numerous types of back pain. I could not advise you unless I knew more, and even then, it is a complex subject for me because of how many different things can cause the problem.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello, everyone. New member. Testimony
« on: May 31, 2021, 08:57:07 AM »
I BELIEVE I was born again back in 2010 when one day I cried out to God for things I did in my past. I had no knowledge of the Law and the fact that I broke it so horribly, which makes me question whether I was saved, but I was humbled into crying out to God in a desperate plea knowing I couldn't look anywhere else but to Him. I wasn't aware of much about the Bible except that God sent His Son Jesus to die, be buried and ressurect 3 days later for the atonement of sins so I basically placed my faith in that and nothing else as a wretched sinner.
The law is simply the knowledge of sin.
Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
-Rom 3:20

However, the law does not need to be first known before being saved. Perhaps I have not made that clear enough in what I have taught. Rather, the knowledge of sin needs to be known before being saved, and that can come from one's own conscience without first reading the law.
For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
-Rom 2:14-15

So while specific reading of God's law was not a requirement for salvation, your testimony still confused me because you said that you cried out to God in a desperate plea... but a plea for what reason? Why plea? What were the tears about? That's what I didn't get from what you said.

Enter 2017. I'm sure a few of you are familiar, but there arose a conspiracy movement named Qanon in which Trump was supposed to be the person to vanquish the Deep State once and for all. I was thrilled! And also, Qanon claimed to be of God so my spiritually was renewed, albeit a false sense thereof. I was placing my hope in this and the NWO to be destroyed. But in the back of my mind this conflicted with biblical doctrine and prophecy.
There is no Qanon. There is Q, and there are Anons. The term "Qanon" was created by some people that do not have a good understanding (i.e. because there are a lot of pagans and cultist involved in it), and the media picked it up and ran with it.

However in 2020, I was led to realise that Qanon was a scam, and it was a punch in the gut.
If you believe that Q was fake, then it's possible you were looking at the wrong things from the start. There are many false flags in the Q movement as well, so I don't think you understand what's happening right now, but I will keep reading your post first.

But, it was the catalyst needed for me to finally come back to Christ. So with a renewed sense of faith in Christ, KNOWING now for sure I had nowhere to look, I got serious about Him and God began a process of chastening last summer, in which I felt a newfound sense of grief for my sins and the things I was doing. I was in a music project for 3 years and left that out of conviction. I cut my friends. Cut my drugs and stopped glorifying conspiracies over God in what was a chastening process I will never forget. I was into trutherism as I call it and was seeking out wisdom in heretical books such as Enoch and the Cepher.
Well, you have to be careful about that too. The book of Enoch, for example, is referred back to in Scripture, but Enoch is not written under the inspiration of God. Therefore, it is not be put on the same level of Scripture, and should not be called the Word of God, even though there may be some prophecy in it.
And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
-Jude 1:14

But if one just focuses on Scripture, they should be fine. And yet, I see a lot of churchgoers constantly running after extra-biblical things, rather than just learning the doctrines of Jesus Christ.

So I started contending for the Gospel on my IG page. And I got into a NIFB church and got baptized which I will get into.
Not everyone comes from the same background as you, so you have to explain the abbreviations you are using.

I found your article on repentance and it resonated with me back in January but I wrote it off and boiled it down to be a semantics issue. As you know, Anderson teaches metanoia.
I don't know what that means. We do not tend to follow worldly phrases and terms they use for all their false beliefs; we just tend to stick with Scripture.
For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.
-Rom 16:19

Also btw the Bible has transformed for me since I learned the true meaning of repentance and came out of the metanoia deception many people preach. This theme is present all over the Bible and it's impossible to unsee it now. Glory to God for that. If you are open, I am more than happy to show you some connections I have made that I believe will be of great value to your repentance teaching. I'm very eager to share with people who understand and hope to edify all here with what the Spirit has shown me.
Well, that depends. You may have noticed that you did not get any replies to your post very quickly, and the people here usually do that when they are cautious of someone. I have to confess, I am cautious of you too because I am uncertain about some things based on what you wrote. It sounds like you have been trying to jump into things too quickly your entire life, so maybe this time you can slow things down a little bit, and let's take things one step at a time.

Jesus said the path will grow narrower as you are led closer to the truth.
You see, that a good example of what I was just talking about; that is, how I am unsure of you. Where in the Bible did Jesus say, "the path will grow narrower as you are led close to the truth?" I can quote Jesus Christ here:
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
-Mat 7:13-14

This is one of the reasons I am cautious of you is because it seems like you are interpreting Scripture out of your own experiences, rather than just looking at the Scripture for what it says. Don't misunderstand; I am not rejecting conversation with you. I am just proceeding with caution, and I believe I am not the only one here thinking the same thing.

So enough about my life, this is all to give glory to God and the work He has done through me and I truly appreciate the fact that He gave me the humility and openness to to sift through the many deceptions I have been in throughout the past year including Qanon, Hebrew Roots, Apocrypha/Cepher, NIFB, etc.
I agree that there are deceptions in all those things.

And I also want to thank your page for teaching the true definition of repentance.
That also may have been one of the reasons no one has responded yet. If you wanted to write me a letter, there is a contact page on the website. However, if you want to address the community on the forum, you should address the community on the forum.

I honestly feel a bit overwhelmed at how much I potentially have to go back and relearn, but it is totally worth it and I hope to see you in heaven one day, brother.
That is also one of the reasons I think others here were cautious of you. Having to go back and relearn something is not what gains one entrance to heaven; that would be works doctrine. It's just a bit confusing because you said at the beginning that it was Jesus Christ alone. There are some things here that do not add up, and I am not attempting to strip you of your eagerness to learn and understand, but those things need to be mingled with patience as well.

General Discussion / Teaching Witchcraft to the Young
« on: May 22, 2021, 01:06:24 PM »
Teen Vogue Explains How to Use Menstrual Blood in Witchcraft to Their 12-17 Year Old Readers

Teen Vogue, a magazine intended for kids as young as 12, has published a bizarre article explaining how to use menstrual blood for witchcraft.
The article, titled “Menstrual Blood Magic: 3 Spells For Your Period,” is the latest installment of their “practical magic” witchcraft series.

The writer Lisa Stardust begins by saying “We’ve all seen how that stigma is spread, from tampon commercials showing women discreetly discussing their periods to the way we hide our own menstruation when it’s our ‘time of the month.’ Rather than play into this patriarchal shame, witches and other masters of magic believe menstruation is a gift from nature.”

Stardust goes on to blabber about how periods are magic especially during the full moon, which forced Teen Vogue to add a disclaimer that the moon does not actually effect your period.

The total weirdo then lists “some ways to use menstrual blood to create your own personal magic.”

“Menstrual blood can be used in spells to ward off evil and protect us, if used properly,” the author wrote, in a magazine for kids. “

“Collect any pieces of broken glass, tacks, nails, screws or anything else you’ve collected from your journeys that could injure you in a mason jar with your menstrual blood (or a used tampon), Blue advised. Seal it tight and bury it near your home for protection from others,” the article states. Additionally, she quotes “Tarot reader, color magic practitioner, and curator Sarah Potter” with another spell.

“Collect your menstrual blood and add a few drops to a small cup of water to use as ink to write a list of people or situations you wish to release from your life. When your list is completed, set it on fire and picture all of that negativity leaving your energetic field,” Potter said. “Afterwards, take a cleansing bath or shower and again picture the negative energy being whisked away from you and washing down the drain.”

The problem here is that the author of this news article treats it as a "weirdo" instead of treating it as sin and wickedness. It is the fact that American stopped treating these subjects as wickedness and violations against God's creation; that is the reason why this stuff is not being warred against and preached against. It's not "weird." It's SIN.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
-Gal 5:19-21

Evangelism / Re: JazzFest 2021 Murfreesboro TN
« on: May 20, 2021, 11:08:15 AM »
Maybe, just maybe, some of the things happening in this country right now is beginning to get people to see that a Christian preacher, who is preaching the truth on a street corner, is MUCH preferable to a group of rioting Antifa and BLM members. I'm glad they didn't harass you today. I like to see the interactions you have with people, but sometimes, it pleasant just to be able to freely preach, and we thank God for His mercy to allow that.

General Discussion / Re: Non-compliance at Travel Checkpoints
« on: May 20, 2021, 11:02:59 AM »
Interesting. Good points.

It's always been $5.

General Discussion / Re: Good stuff still happens!
« on: May 14, 2021, 07:32:00 PM »
Only evil police save babies.
(This message brought to you by BLM.)

General Discussion / Re: Mask Debate at the BMV Today
« on: May 14, 2021, 07:25:45 PM »
No, but I was prepared for that interaction just in case. I think she knew that too.

General Discussion / Mask Debate at the BMV Today
« on: May 14, 2021, 05:28:01 PM »
Lorraine and I had to go by the BMV to take care of some paperwork, and they had a sign out front saying that masks were REQUIRED by state mandate. Lorraine left it up to me, and I said, "I'm not doing it."

We took a number, and went in. We immediately got called up to the counter, and the lady asked us if we had masks. I said, no. She said, I'll get you some. I said, "I'm not wearing it."

She said that it was policy. I asked her, "It is unconstitutional to force me to wear a medical device on my face. Are you telling me that you will not help us unless we wear a medical device?"

She said she would get the manager. Long story short, we had to go through the assistant manager, and then to the primary manager.

They first asked us for medical paperwork, and I said, "You cannot ask that. That is a violation of the Fourth Amendment."

After some more heated words, she finally said, "We will allow one of you to stay and take care of the paperwork without wearing a mask." I said, "That's fine. I have no problem with that." I told Lorraine I would step outside and to let me know if she had any problems.

As I was walking out, a lady (customer) walking up to her spot on the counter said to me in a low voice, "Good job!" Of course, she was still wearing her mask, but the point I wanted to tell you guys is that we stood our ground, and we won that fight. Not only did we win that fight, but we showed everyone else there that they did not have to do those things if they simply understand what the law of the land is in America (i.e. the Constitution), and they say "No!"

The deep state is NEVER going to let people take their masks off again. Fauci (the corrupt fake physician) has already said that people need to get used to wearing them 9 months out of the year, EVERY year. If they have their way, you will NEVER go back to normal. When are the people going to stand up and say that they have had enough?

Occasionally, I receive a book from a coward. What I mean by that is that someone sends a book to our ministry address directly from a company, and they include no return address to who sent it, meaning that, they do not want me to know who they are. In every instance I can recall, when someone has done this, they send me a book from a corrupt author, therefore creating a connection philosophical between cowards and false teachers. (Not in every case, but in many cases, this happens.)

In this particular instance, I was sent a book by a false prophet and fake "faith healer" named Nathan A. French. After looking up this guy online and seeing his three, very vague, money-making websites (which are all pretty much identical), I have NO interest in reading anything this guy has to say. One of the fascinating things about his website is that he has the same typical vague statements of faith that are a dime a dozen, he has an extensive "testimony" page on each one of people saying how wonderful he is, and then a place where you can buy his books, buy tickets to his shows, and donate to his ministry... but not one place where he has ANY doctrine, meaning that he makes is quite difficult to find out what he believes on anything.

Nathan French is a revivalist; he follows the false doctrines and rituals of Charles Finney.
Revivalism: The Devil's Design

It was sickening to look through his YouTube channel because it just a bunch of self-serving garbage. He has NO doctrine; none.

I have seen these patterns in websites time and time again, and when I see it, I know they are in it for the money. Because I know that, I also know it is very likely that they are 501c3 incorporated because greedy preacher almost always are, and Nathan French is no exception, as you can see for yourself:
All contributions are tax deductible. We are a 501c3, ein 83-1293457

However, I may want to do an expose on this guy in the future, so I won't burn the book I was sent, which was my first thought, but rather, I'm going to take my pen, and write in big bold print, "FALSE TEACHER" so incase I die anytime soon, someone will not find this book in my office and think that I support this guy. It's just sad that someone wasted their money on this because I would rather that they had spent that money on their own family, to provide for them because their resources were not only wasted, but were supporting a man who is trying to profit by making himself into a "prophet" who is falsely so-called.

Here are a couple links anyone can check out if you are curious about this guy, and want to know why to stay away from him. He does the thing that most false prophets do when they take information that is already circulating, and then turn it into a "God told me this" kind of thing.
Nathan French Prophesies That God Will ‘Wipe Out’ Social Media Companies for Banning Trump

This was published at the end of February, and we already knew this was going to happen. In fact, Q already told us a long time ago that this would happen:

French is just trying to profit on this. He's making merchandise of the people:
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

And he's proven to be a false prophet, as we can see here:
Nathan French Claims God Told Him Trump Is Coming Back, ‘Everything’s Gonna Change’ in April

“I said he was gonna win big, and he didn’t win, and the Lord says, ‘Yes, he did,'” French said, “He actually won with a landslide victory, and a lot of people don’t get that. They tried to steal the election, and it’s not gonna work. God’s about to lay it bare.”
“He’s about to lay it bare,” French continued. “I think we’re gonna find out in April. I think everything’s gonna change. I see a shift coming. People are waiting to see when is the God of justice gonna step in."

First of all, everything did not change in April. If you guys remember, I said that April was going to be interesting, but it's likely going to take a lot longer for us to really get the information and see some change. Secondly, Mike Lindell had already released his documentaries on the subject, and because French is part of the same corrupt ecumenical movement that Lindell is a part of, you know he already saw the evidence, but then claimed that "God told him this" so you will believe in his lie that he "God's prophet."

You can see that this guy is going along with the "QAnon" movement, not the Q movement. (i.e. There is no QAnon; there is Q, and there are Anons.) There are a lot of gullible people in the QAnon movement that are looking for what is referred to as "hopium," and desperately follow after false prophets like this guy. There are a lot of false prophets trying to benefit off of those people using the predictions Q has made, men like Mark Taylor and this guy, Nathan French, who are both corrupt.

They are making a lot of money off of the "conspiracy ministry" folks who call themselves "Christians." I know that those who listen to my teachings and those in our church have a lot of discernment, and you can probably all see right through this guy, but this is just a warning to steer clear of this man because he is the same, old revivalism fake faith healer and false prophet we have seen time and time again.

General Discussion / Re: On the Subject of Graven Images...
« on: May 05, 2021, 09:10:12 AM »
I can see that you read my teaching on Christian Symbols Are Not Christian, and due to the teachings of religious cults, especially those in the Hebrew roots movement, they tend to put people under the letter of the law because they do not know regeneration in the Holy Spirit, nor do they know the fulfillment in Christ.

When a graven image, which would be a statue, a painting, a photoshopped image, etc, represents something spiritual, I would say that is where we should draw the line. If it is intended to represent the Godhead, or any other spiritual thing, it is best that we get rid of it, and that is because, as the old saying goes, 'A picture is worth a thousand words', and the problem is those thousand words can be wrong, and can be different depending on the person; therefore, God did not make the Bible a picture book, but it does not mean it is wrong to sculpt or to paint, otherwise, God would have made some sort of verses in Scripture condemning sculpting and painting in general.

(I got everything figured out for the most part, and I rewrote the original post to avoid confusion... See Above.)

We now can take crypto-currency donations if that is your preference; visit the donation page for those options:

I am not here to provide anyone financial advise, but there are some changes happening in this country, and fiat currency (i.e. the dollar, USD) is going to implode soon, as the process has already begun, and the stimulus checks that Americans have received recently is only covering up that implosion. They cannot cover it for long, so Lorraine and I have made contingency plans for the future; one of them being crypto-currency, which more people and businesses are beginning to use, and it is a much more secure currency that is backed by real money.

There are two ways to donate crypto-currency. The first is directly, wallet-to-wallet, and the public key for my wallet is available on the website now:

The second method is through NowPayments, which is a service that allows you to pay wallet-to-wallet, OR you can donate USD (or EUR), and NowPayments will translate your money to BTC, and will donate it to our wallet. Here is a link to that:
Donate Crypto-Currency to CLE

I spoke with a rep from NowPayments, and here is what he said about the transaction fees:
In short, it's 4% for cash-in operations (this includes ~3% Visa/Master Card fee) and 1% for cash-out operations. When it comes to cryptocurrency transactions, our fees are .5% for monocurrency payments (BTC-BTC) or 1% for conversion (i.e. ETH-BTC).

So sending us donations by mail is based on the fee of your mail service.
Sending by Paypal is at least 4.1%.

Please keep in mind, Lorraine and I still have to pay for things using USD because not enough businesses have gotten on board with BTC yet. That is starting to change now, but it has not quiet reached that point yet. So please keep in mind that, for the time being, if you donate USD to us, it is still more beneficial to send it via Paypal, and the reason for that is because if Lorraine and I transfer funds out of our BTC wallet to USD, we have to pay another transaction fee, which means we will lose more money on transaction fees in the end, than if you had sent it to us via Paypal.

That will likely change in the future, but for now, that's the way things are. However, if you already have BTC, and you want to send us a BTC donation, NowPayments offers that service for only a .5% transaction fee, which is a pretty good rate.

For those of you who don't understand any of this yet, it's okay. As I already said, we are preparing for the currency transition that will be happening in the U.S. over the next 1-4 years, and as it happens, we will be ready.

Evangelism / Re: JazzFest 2021 Murfreesboro TN
« on: May 02, 2021, 12:04:12 AM »
That's a lot for one day; make sure to take breaks to keep your voice.

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