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General Discussion / Re: Negative Amazon Review
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 02, 2024, 02:30:58 PM »
Chris is right when he says truth is not based on majority opinion so it doesn't matter what anyone says against his book. I've read his book and purchased several to give to people who are willing to read it. Chris is obviously not God and just a man like many of us and I'm sure he'll admit that. He has put in a whole lot of time and effort into writing that book and many others and I'm very sure he'll continue to do so. God has used his writings to help me grow in my faith even to the point where my blood relatives don't like to hang around me and people who say they're my friends have pretty much abandoned me because of my growth in Christ. The person and people like that person who posted the negative review is a false convert, a wolf in sheep's clothing. I highly encourage anyone to read his books and articles. I recommend his articles to people at work and especially to people that I talk to while preaching on street corners.
I just read your responses to cal and I can honestly say that you handled it better than most people I know would have. That and your last reply was pretty funny, at least to me being as I have a big sense of humor. People like him refuse correction and I know there's a verse somewhere that talks about that and if I recall correctly it calls people like him fools.
General Discussion / Disagreements
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 02, 2024, 02:02:27 PM »
I know God's word says something about followers of Christ being of one mind but I do not recall, at the moment, where that particular verse is. I personally believe  that if someone distances themself from someone they have a disagreement with, by that I mean a non essential/minor subject, is an act of cowardice because they didn't talk to that person as to why they feel the way they do and hide behind their screen in their own safe place. What are some other views on this? Thank you and God bless you all.
General Discussion / Re: Someone has accused Chris
« Last post by Pilgrim Mike on April 02, 2024, 01:56:32 PM »
I'm just curious as to why on someones profile name it says banned but they're still able to make replies and so forth.....? Thanks in advance.
I think I may have actually forgotten to upload it. Weird. I'll do that now. Should be ready soon.
The play/download of this teaching from the audio section didn't work. It said "no file".
What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Love p5
« Last post by creationliberty on April 01, 2024, 12:54:49 PM »
What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Love p4
« Last post by creationliberty on March 25, 2024, 01:51:32 PM »
What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) The Biblical Understanding of Love p3
« Last post by creationliberty on March 18, 2024, 04:26:56 PM »
Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: Crazy Lady Plays Victim to Fake Being Christian
« Last post by TheChickenWhisperer on March 16, 2024, 09:58:56 AM »
 Does she ever say what her daughter believes? Most worldly people would just put her in an institution rather than put up with her conspiracies and senseless ramblings. It didn't make any sense at all when I read through it. If she was actually injured and had a brain injury, That would be somewhat under understandable, but it really doesn't sound like that. It sounds like she has bought Some kind of conspiracy theory Hook, line, and sinker. If she is living with her daughter and son in law, that's If she is living with her daughter and son-in-law, that's why I'm curious what they believe. They must not be born-again believers or wouldn't they try to help her understand repentance?
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