Hello again, some more about me and what I had to learn. After more than 30 years a member of divers pentecostal churches I decided to leave the Rafael / Foursquare pentecostal church, after a preacher taught that if you speak in tongues, you would acquire wisdom and specific insights. The people responsible for that teachings would not listen to my objections. As I realise now, I have been in a sect, or a cult. I believe speaking in tongues to acquire wisdom is witchcraft. I never practised it myself, I never wast a fanatic tongue-speakter, yet I repented I ever was in the pentecostal movement and for such a long time. I have some friends who are still in the pentecostal movement, and try to convince them to reflect on 'speaking in tongues'. It is hard, as they would rather rely on some personal experiences rather than the Word of God. So I left pentecostalism, that was three years ago. We joined a small baptist church, it was an English speaking church, here in Almere. We were there for about 6 months. Some good things I found : the KJV bible was used, and women were not allowed to teach (1 Tim 2:11-14). However, they believed in the pre-trib rapture. I never did. Always was post-trib. I once discussed with a member of that church about the rapture. The pastor found out about it and forbid me to teach the post-trib rapture. A week later he sent an email to the members of the church, warning against false teachings, especially the post-trip rapture doctrine. Sigh. So I decided this baptist church was not the place to be. After we left, I had a conversation with the pastor. We agreed to disagree and we could say good-bye without any hostility. So we are without any church for now. I am not too sad about that, on the other hand, I would like to have some fellowship with Christians who really follow the Lord, rather than some (crazy) traditions. I know, I have been part of a lot of silly traditions, still have to learn a lot...I guess, no, I'm SURE! God bless, Joop